Our Year in Review

It has been another busy year for The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota. As we ring in the New Year it is the perfect time to celebrate 2018. We sold our 1000th paper book and have now clocked over 1500 downloads! This year saw the launch of some exciting new projects and the re-launch of an old favorite. In January we re-launched Chris Price’s The Old Church on Walnut Street: A Story of Immigrants and Evangelicals. The book is a microhistory of a single building in Grand Forks, North Dakota that opens onto a century-long story of immigrants and evangelicals in this community….

The Joy of Voting

There’s a lot going on over the next month at The Digital Press at the University of North Dakota. If you want to be in the loop follow The Digital Press on Twitter.  This week, the Digital Press kicked off a collaborative project with Dr. Eric Burin in the Department of History at the University of North Dakota and Citizens University, a non profit leader in civic engagement. The project is called The Joy of Voting and it looks to “reinvigorate a culture of voting” or at least remind the public that voting can be a joyous experience. Grand Forks, North Dakota is…